Dear members,
On the 2nd of June, we will organize an event called ALUMNI TALK. We have invited several EUROAVIA Toulouse alumni members, who are currently working in the (aerospace) industry. Only a few years ago they were students in Toulouse just like us, which is a perfect opportunity for us to hear and learn from their experiences. They will tell us about their search for internships and the difficulties they encountered while doing so, and share tips and tricks on how to succeed in getting an internship. Also, they can tell us about their current jobs, giving a perspective of what variety of jobs we as aerospace students can end up in. Lastly, there will of course be room for asking questions to the alumni on all internship, job or study-related topics.
We hope to see many of you on the 2nd of June. Registration can be done via the link given: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc83MMtUbyplVUCq6DybTGewbEEkoL3MvoDVER1XT-3kU2Siw/viewform?usp=sf_link